
Working Environment


Connection with society
In accordance with our management philosophy, we strive to contribute to the sustainable development of society by working toward the realization of a spiritually rich society.
-Accepting internships
We accept student internships not as a recruitment activity, but as part of our contribution to the local community. We support the students to improve their abilities and attitudes necessary as members of society and professionals through work experience.
-Dispatch of lecturers to technical lectures
We actively support innovation by dispatching our engineers to give technical lectures at technical colleges as part of a human resource development project sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and to give technical lectures at committee meetings sponsored by incorporated bodies.
-Donation to Japan Committee for UNICEF
We have issued "Private Placement Bonds to Promote the SDGs" and donate part of the fees to the Japan Committee for UNICEF. We will continue to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, which are being pursued by the member countries of the United Nations.
-Acceptance of factory tours
We actively accept factory tours of local elementary school students and students on school excursions. Learning about the existence of various professions and actually observing manufacturing in a factory, which cannot be learned in school life, is a part of the career education for children.
-Conducting blood donation activities
We provide a place for blood donation on the plant premises, and our employees actively participate in blood donation activities. We hope that blood donation will contribute to the health of as many people as possible, and we will continue to cooperate with the Japanese Red Cross Society.

Creating Comfortable Working Environment
We strive to create a work environment where all employees can work with joy and vigor.
-Stockpiling of paid leave
We stockpile the remaining days of paid leave that are subject to expiration and make them available for use for illness, nursing, etc.
-Promotion of diverse work styles
We are actively involved in telework, flextime, and other ways of working that are not restricted by time or place.
-Mental health care
To promote mental health, we have established an in-house mental health consultation service, stress checks, and mental health management education.
-Long service award system
In addition to paid leave, employees are given vacation time and an extra payment based on their years of service to refresh their minds and bodies.
-Company-wide award system
The TOKYO Diamond Cup is held every year to honor and reward organizations and individuals who have made outstanding achievements in the categories of sales merit, profit improvement, development technology, and business innovation.
-Qualification support system
In order to encourage employees to improve their skills and growth, and to promote self-development, we provide a congratulatory payment when employees pass the specific qualifications.

Human Resource Development
Through the introduction of our personnel system and educational programs such as various training programs, we are striving to improve our organizational strength to develop independent human resources who can think and act on their own and achieve high results.
Personnel system
We have introduced a role-based grading system that sets grades according to each employee's position and size of his/her "role" required for the job. The system is based on the premise of "equal pay for equal roles" and allows employees to earn wages commensurate with the results of each role, regardless of age or career, with a high degree of difficulty and expectation.
The role-based grading system will enable employees to be more independent in thinking about what they need to do to fulfill their roles and responsibilities, as well as to be able to respond flexibly to organizational changes through role definitions without being bound by fixed duties.
Examples of training
-New employee training
This training is held in April every year to improve the basic skills of new employees who are learning the basics of manufacturing.-Training for young employees and mid-career employees
The program is designed to develop role awareness and basic skills in order to raise the speed of growth over three years: role awareness in the first year, critical thinking skills in the second year, and interpersonal skills in the third year.-Global human resources development training
With the aim of developing human resources who can respond to the rapidly accelerating globalization, the employees will acquire a flexible mindset unconstrained by rules or procedures, language skills, communication skills, cross-cultural competence, initiative, proactivity, leadership, and expertise in their area of responsibility.-Action learning training
We provide project-based training where participants learn to set up the company's issues, formulate solutions, implement them, and learn the methods and techniques for the implementation at the same time, with the assumption that they will actually implement them.-Personnel evaluation training
Training is provided to managers and supervisors to improve the level of personnel evaluation and to ensure appropriate evaluation interviews. -
Image of educational system
Values and skills required for the company
Image of human resources for achieving results
Risk Management
We strive to reduce our exposure to future risks by acting in accordance with the following policies.
Basic Business Continuity Policy
The company's basic policy for business continuity is to prevent or minimize human and material damage to the company's employees and other stakeholders, and to maximize the use of existing business resources in order to ensure the continuation and rapid recovery of necessary business operations.
Response to the Great East Japan Earthquake
Immediately after the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, we set up a BCP task force to confirm the safety of our employees and their families, assessed the damage to our plants, and quickly completed the restoration of our production facilities, enabling us to resume production immediately after the restoration of local infrastructure.

Organizational chart of the BCP task force
Information security policy
-Compliance with laws, regulations, and contractual requirements
Laws, regulations, and contractual obligations related to information security are complied with.-Response to violations and accidents
In the event of violations of laws or contracts related to information security, or in the event of accidents, we will take prompt action to minimize damage and prevent recurrence.-Development of internal systems
In order to maintain and improve information security, the company shall establish rules related to information security and develop and operate the necessary management system.-Implementation of education
In order to make our employees aware of the importance of information assets, we will conduct education and awareness activities necessary for information security.-Continued improvement
We review information security as needed from time to time and strive to further improve information security.
Environmental Initiatives

In order to realize a better global environment, we will conduct our corporate activities based on the following environmental policy.
Environmental policy
-We promote the prevention of environmental pollution by accurately identifying the environmental impact of our business activities (research, development, design, procurement, production, recycling, and sales) and products.
-We comply with environmental laws, regulations, ordinances, and other requirements to which we agree.
-We promote the following as priority activity items for environmental management.
(1) Management of chemical substances and prevention of leakage
(2) Effective use of resources and energy, and resource- and energy-saving activities-We will implement environmental education activities to raise environmental awareness and have all employees actively participate in environmental activities.
Initiatives to combat global warming
We are actively participating in global warming countermeasures organized by the Bureau of Environment of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and have received the highest rating of SS rank for our efforts to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from our business activities.

Quality Management
In order to ensure that our customers can use our products with confidence, we have acquired "ISO9001" certification and are conducting quality management as well as manufacturing and management based on the following quality policy.
Quality policy
We supply quality products and improve our contribution to customers and society.
-We will provide products that can be used with peace of mind by accurately understanding the quality required by our customers.
-We will improve the quality of our work and provide products of a quality that satisfies our customers.
-We will analyze complaint factors and measure the effectiveness of improvement measures to achieve zero complaints.
-We will improve business procedures (processes) and business mechanisms (systems).
-We will continuously improve the effectiveness of the quality management system (QMS) with the aim of increasing customer satisfaction.

ISO 9001 certification status
Certificate: ISO9001:2015 Certificate agency: BSI Group Japan K.K. Registration No.: FM584475 Certificate scope: Production of diamond tools and CBN tools
(Sendai Factory, Hinosaki Factory)Date of acquisition: May 25, 2018 Expiration date: June 21, 2024 *ISO9001:1994 Acquired on June 22, 2001
ISO9001:2008 Acquired on June 22, 2009 -
ISO9001 Certificate